Archive for the ‘Table Tennis’ Category

Table Tennis – Ping Pong Tables

January 22, 2012

Table tennis and ping pong are interchangeable terms, played with the same zest and vigor around the world.  Who goes first when you start a game on your ping pong table?  In top-flight competition, service is decided by a coin toss. At lower levels it is common for one player (or the umpire/scorer) to hide the ball in one or the other hand (usually hidden under the ping pong table), allowing the other player to guess which hand the ball is in. The correct or incorrect guess gives the “winner” the option to choose to serve, receive, or to choose which side of the ping pong table to use. Another method is for one player to hit the ball to the other side of the ping poing table and he or she returns it or by hitting it back and forth four times and then playing out the point. This is commonly referred to as PING. Then, they play one point to see who serves first on the ping pong table. Players also determine the first to serve by placing a racket on the ping poing table with the handle off the board, taking turns throwing the ball at their opponent’s racket. The first to strike the opponent’s racket without receiving a return shot gets the serve.

 Get ready to play with these professional table tennis / ping pong tables from top manufacturers! to find the best in “Table Tennis Tables”.